
mOmentOm yOga. . . steady, cOmfy, happy, yOga. . .

. . . fOrmerly knOwn as Om Improvement, mOmentOm yOga is nOw at:
241b victOria street, bugis village, singapOre 188030
tel: 63344100

Thursday, November 30, 2006

big welcOme tO jancy

We are very happy to welcome Jancy Yeo to mOmentOm yOga. Jancy will be taking some of the regular classes from today. Some of you have met her as early as in 12 October when she generously stepped in to teach a yoga class when Michele and I were not available. Call it fate or karma or what you will but Jancy and I were once yoga classmates when we were new to yoga AND Jancy was in the same class as Michele at one point too! Are we surprised to see her with us again? Some things are meant to be. . . so welcome home, Jancy!

Here's an little introduction to our new family member:

Jancy first took up yoga as she was curious to find out more about this age-old discipline, which everyone told her is relaxing and beneficial to the physical and mental health. “When I first started yoga, I was only interested in being challenged to do the various poses. However, through the years as I continued to attend classes, I learnt to focus my mind and in the process, experience calm and serenity which I am not able to get from the other physical exercises that I do regularly.”

Yoga, to Jancy, is a continual and life-long journey, one of self-discovery and realization. She considers each student a blessing as often times, it is through teaching that she discovers about herself more, allowing her to deepen her understanding of the subject. Jancy hopes that she will be able to share her enthusiasm of this age-old discipline and influence her students in appreciating the fact that it is an individual unique path for each one and thus discovering their personal journey with yoga.

She is grateful to her teacher and mentor, Jacqueline Ospovat, her first yoga teacher and whom she is still studying with, for her guidance and generosity in sharing her yoga knowledge.

Jancy received her yoga instructor training from Vivekananda Yoga Centre, Singapore. She is also a trained teacher with a Postgraduate Diploma in Physical Education from the National Institute of Education, Singapore and a certified aerobics instructor. In her free time, she enjoys running and playing peek-a-boo with her 6-month-old daughter.

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