
mOmentOm yOga. . . steady, cOmfy, happy, yOga. . .

. . . fOrmerly knOwn as Om Improvement, mOmentOm yOga is nOw at:
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

hOw tO gain enlightenment, lOve, save the wOrld and becOme really pOpular fOr S$22.84

Ok, time to act.

Theory, analysis and understanding gained from reading, meditation and yoga is all very nice but nothing is achieved if there is no change in our daily actions. We know we need to understand our minds, we have the right motivations to want to improve our lives, we are willing to invest our time and effort in this but. . . but. . . but where do we really begin?!

No worries, eager yogis. Help is at hand. I have found (or did it find me?!) a helpful book that provides practical steps taking you on your own path from self-centredness to selflessness, and to enjoy happiness, contentment. . . and world peace.

I think the Dalai Lama has outdone himself with this book. The clarity of the simple words help greatly to present the resounding logic of the argument for altruism as a necessity for good living. The practices outlined so clearly and simply allows us to put action what we learned AND through our own actions, experience real transformation. The languange is simple but the effects are profound. I challenge anyone to read this, attempt the practices and not be transformed in any way. I challenge the world to read this, attempt the practices and not become a better place.

The concept is universal, beyond the confines of specific religions or cultures: "All you need is love". The practical exercises essentially train you, in stages, to cultivate the seeds of loving-kindness first within yourself and then spreading out to widening circles of people (and animals. . . ). This is loving-kindness practice in real life, written with a lot of sympathy for the modern person, living in a busy, pluralistic, materialistic, angry world. The practices work. . . I can't get the idea out of my head now that a cockroach I see could be my mother in my former life. . . (read the book to make sense of this!). . . and the thought of killing it makes my stomach churn. . .

How to achieve world peace:

Step 1: Find $22.84.

Step 2: Purchase the book:

Widening the Circle of Love
by HH Dalai Lama XIV / Hopkins, Jeffrey
Publisher:Ebury Press Published 2006/05

Step 3: Read the book.

Step 4: Do the practical exercises.

Step 5: Attain inner peace and spread more peace to the folks around you.

Step 6: Pass on the book to another person and urge him/her to follow Steps 3 to 6.

Step 7: Achieve world peace.

Not bad for S$22.84 (price at Kinokuniya).
Saving the world should be cheaper after 10% discount with their privilege card or on ebay, amazon, etc. . .

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