
mOmentOm yOga. . . steady, cOmfy, happy, yOga. . .

. . . fOrmerly knOwn as Om Improvement, mOmentOm yOga is nOw at:
241b victOria street, bugis village, singapOre 188030
tel: 63344100

Thursday, April 27, 2006

yOga bOOks clearance sale

Here's a great chance for our yogis to catch up on your Jnana Yoga (Yoga path of intellectual development). . .

As many of you know, in our former incarnation as Om Improvement, we were located in a retail unit in Stamford House. We were required to have a store front and so there we had a stock of yoga merchandise for sale. Here in Bugis Village, we are in an office/commercial school unit and so. . . no more shopfront required! That's a big relief for a full-time yoga instructor, believe me, because I would rather spend my time training and preparing for yoga classes than negotiating with suppliers and waiting for deliveries. . .

Anyway, we are now doing a clearance sale of the remaining stock of yoga books we had from Stamford House days. These are solid books which have been painstakingly selected and sourced --- and they are now going to get to your bookshelves at extraordinarily low prices!! So if you had an eye on any yoga books at our studio for a while, now is the time to grab them. Extremely limited stock, so first-come-first-served.

Some titles are:
. . . Desikachar's The Heart of Yoga
. . . Iyengar's Light on Yoga
. . . The American Yoga Association's Yoga for Sports

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