Monday, January 23, 2006
change is On the cards
The wait is over!
Thanks to all new mOmentOm yOgis and "old" yogis who have so patiently waited. . . we are happy to announce that the wait is over and our new green class cards have arrived from the printers and are ready for action! So if you have signed on for a new class package since the start of January 2006, remember to collect your cards when you next come for class. Each card has 10 class credit boxes and so if you've signed on for 40 classes you should receive 4 cards. Please bring your cards to class for endorsement to help you keep track of the number of classes you have utilised.
. . . as for yogis on the Om Improvement cards, you can continue to use these previously issued cards to the date of their expiry of course.
. . . we are happy to announce that we have also printed brand new chocolate (not edible!) mOmentOm yOga name cards. [Latest update on 31Jan: these popular namecards are nearly out of stock. . . if you want the last ones better come pick them up this week! New ones will be ordered as soon as the printers reopen after their Chinese New Year break. . . which is not for a while.] Come and pick them up from the reception table (in the basket with the class brochures) when you're next down for class -- these are handy to distribute to your friends because they also function as a ticket for a FREE TRIAL CLASS for first-timers to mOmentOm yOga. The cards feature a location map on the reverse side so that you have no more trouble explaining to your buddies where you've been blissing out on yoga. . .
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Thanks to all new mOmentOm yOgis and "old" yogis who have so patiently waited. . . we are happy to announce that the wait is over and our new green class cards have arrived from the printers and are ready for action! So if you have signed on for a new class package since the start of January 2006, remember to collect your cards when you next come for class. Each card has 10 class credit boxes and so if you've signed on for 40 classes you should receive 4 cards. Please bring your cards to class for endorsement to help you keep track of the number of classes you have utilised.
. . . as for yogis on the Om Improvement cards, you can continue to use these previously issued cards to the date of their expiry of course.
. . . we are happy to announce that we have also printed brand new chocolate (not edible!) mOmentOm yOga name cards. [Latest update on 31Jan: these popular namecards are nearly out of stock. . . if you want the last ones better come pick them up this week! New ones will be ordered as soon as the printers reopen after their Chinese New Year break. . . which is not for a while.] Come and pick them up from the reception table (in the basket with the class brochures) when you're next down for class -- these are handy to distribute to your friends because they also function as a ticket for a FREE TRIAL CLASS for first-timers to mOmentOm yOga. The cards feature a location map on the reverse side so that you have no more trouble explaining to your buddies where you've been blissing out on yoga. . .