
mOmentOm yOga. . . steady, cOmfy, happy, yOga. . .

. . . fOrmerly knOwn as Om Improvement, mOmentOm yOga is nOw at:
241b victOria street, bugis village, singapOre 188030
tel: 63344100

Saturday, December 17, 2005

hOw tO build dreams. . .

. . . with faith, courage, heroic effort and an unshakeable resolve.

Yesterday, the partition walls were ready and we began the renovations at our new yoga studio.

Sneak previews of a dream in the making:
Frames for the partitions going up.

The floor is uneven, the ceiling is not level, the pillars are leaning slightly, but the good people of Cheng Aluminium were undetered from getting things set up upright. Using spirit levels, a plumbline and loads of patience, these men worked hard to strive for perfection despite the circumstances, they were the yogis of the aluminium trade!
A big thanks to Tony and his men. That's him in the picture asking me if I'm taking a picture of him or the partitions. I think that's the same thing, the partitions and him are part of each other because his work is an expression of his self.

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